Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wow, so it has been over a month since I posted anything. Well we have had so much going on. My nephew Hayden came home from the hospital a couple weeks ago. He is doing great, had put on about 1.5 lbs. The doctors say there probably isn't any neuro deficit, also he should be walk to walk with just a little bit of a limp. It is just an amazing story. I haven't gotten to meet him yet, hopefully one day soon. About two weeks ago, the kids and I went down to California to help my grandfather clean at some closets and just visit. We had a good time but cut the trip a few days short. It is really hard to travel by myself with the two of them. Last week Nikki went potty in the big girl potty. She did really good the first day, and now doesn't really have a desire to try again. I know it is a process, and I am not going to push her, I know it will happen when she is good and ready.

I also quit my second job, I wasn't working there all that much. I wasn't able to pick up as many hours as they would like me to, and the money wasn't really enough to justify me staying there. I will really miss working in the trauma center, but it was the best decision for my family and the department. Now they can hire someone who can give them all the time and hours they need.

Another thing I am really happy about, is Matt's old band is no longer together. YAY, no more playing at dirty disgusting whole in the wall dive bars. His old band was a punk rock band that played at awful hours I mean like 1am. He and the singer of the old band, started a new one, they don't have a new band name yet. But the music they play is more of the popular rock you hear on the radio. I like it a lot better, and hopefully they will be playing at better places, and at more decent hours. Which means I might be able to find a sitter and be able to go out and enjoy my husbands talent.

The big thing that happened this weekend is that Joshy turned one!!!!! We had a little party for him which was perfect. When Nikki turned one, I over did and threw a huge party, that just wore me out. This time around, I ordered food, and just had family over, we ate lunch, opened presents, had cake, and just enjoyed our time together. I was able to actually visit with everyone instead of being stuck in the kitchen. It was great, Joshy had his own little cake to mash up. He really enjoyed it, and Nikki did great helping Joshy open his presents, without trying to do it all by herself. I was very proud of her.

There was one toy she loved that Joshy got, it was a Big headed Winnie the Pooh. Matt talked me into going out and getting her the big headed Tigger, which I did today and she LOVES it!!!

Well I promise not to take a month to post the next up date. My really good friend Corin and her children Dakota and Levi are coming up this week, so hopefully we will get together and I will have more to post on.

Everyone have a great week!!!!!

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